Szanowny zainteresowany, Dziękuję za okazanie zaufania. Formularz rezerwacji służy do uzyskania podstawowych informacji o kupujących oraz o planowanej działalności gospodarczej z kupowaną gotową spółką. Przesyłając ten formularz rezerwacji, nie jesteś zobowiązany do zamówienia żadnej usługi. Wysyłając formularz wyrażasz jedynie chęć zakupu gotowej spółki. Celem niniejszego formularza kontaktowego jest zachowanie przejrzystości w procesie zakupu gotowej spółki oraz wykazanie uczciwych intencji kupującego. Niezwłocznie po otrzymaniu formularza rezerwacji nasz pracownik skontaktuje się z Państwem i otrzyma od nas ofertę cenową. Proszę wypełnić następujące pola: PRZYSZLI KIEROWNICY SPÓŁKI Imię i nazwisko * obywatelstwo * Slovenská republika Česká republika Nemecko Maďarsko Rakúsko Francúzsko Andorra Spojené arabské emiráty Afganistan Antigua a Barbuda Anguilla Albánsko Arménsko Angola Argentína Austrália Aruba Azerbajdžan Bosna a Hercegovina Barbados Bangladéš Belgicko Burkina Bulharsko Bahrajn Burundi Benin Bermudy Brunej Bolívia Bonaire, Svätý Eustach a Saba Brazília Bahamy Bhután Bouvetov ostrov Botswana Bielorusko Belize Kanada Kongo (býv. Zair) Stredoafrická republika Kongo Pobrežie Slonoviny Cookove ostrovy Čile Kamerun Čína Kolumbia Kostarika Kuba Kapverdy Curacao Cyprus Džibutsko Dánsko Dominika Dominikánska republika Alžírsko Ekvádor Estónsko Egypt Západná Sahara Európsky patentový úrad Eritrea Španielsko Etiópia Fínsko Fidži Falklandy Faerské ostrovy Gabon Spojené kráľovstvo Grenada Gruzínsko Guernsey Ghana Gibraltár Grónsko Gambia Guinea Rovníková Guinea Grécko Guatemala Guinea-Bissau Guyana Hongkong Honduras Chorvátsko Haiti Švajčiarsko Indonézia Írsko Izrael Man India Irak Island Taliansko Jersey Jamajka Jordánsko Japonsko Keňa Kirgizsko Kambodža Kiribati Komory Svätý Krištof a Nevis Kórejská ľudovodemokratická republika (KĽDR) Kórejská republika Kuvajt Kajmanie ostrovy Kazachstan Laos Libanon Svätá Lucia Lichtenštajnsko Srí Lanka Libéria Lesotho Litva Luxembursko Lotyšsko Líbya Maroko Monako Moldavsko Čierna Hora Madagaskar Macedónsko Mali Mjanmarsko Mongolsko Macao Severné Mariány Mauritánia Montserrat Malta Maurícius Maldivy Malawi Mexiko Malajzia Mozambik Namíbia Niger Nigéria Nikaragua Holandsko Nórsko Nepál Nauru Nový Zéland Omán Panama Peru Papua-Nová Guinea Filipíny Pakistan Poľsko Portugalsko Palau Paraguaj Katar Rumunsko Srbsko Ruská federácia Rwanda Saudská Arábia Šalamúnove ostrovy Seychely Sudán Švédsko Singapur Svätá Helena Slovinsko Sierra Leone San Maríno Senegal Somálsko Surinam Južný Sudán Svätý Tomáš a Princov ostrov Salvádor Svätý Martin Sýria Svazijsko Turks a Caicos Čad Togo Thajsko Tadžikistan Východný Timor Turkménsko Tunisko Tonga Turecko Trinidad a Tobago Tuvalu Taiwan Tanzánia Ukrajina Uganda Spojené štáty, USA Uruguaj Uzbekistan Vatikán Svätý Vincent a Grenadíny Venezuela Britské Panenské ostrovy Vietnam Vanuatu Samoa Jemen Južná Afrika Zambia Zimbabwe Osoba ta będzie jednocześnie wspólnikiem spółki usuwać Imię i nazwisko * obywatelstwo * Slovenská republika Česká republika Nemecko Maďarsko Rakúsko Francúzsko Andorra Spojené arabské emiráty Afganistan Antigua a Barbuda Anguilla Albánsko Arménsko Angola Argentína Austrália Aruba Azerbajdžan Bosna a Hercegovina Barbados Bangladéš Belgicko Burkina Bulharsko Bahrajn Burundi Benin Bermudy Brunej Bolívia Bonaire, Svätý Eustach a Saba Brazília Bahamy Bhután Bouvetov ostrov Botswana Bielorusko Belize Kanada Kongo (býv. Zair) Stredoafrická republika Kongo Pobrežie Slonoviny Cookove ostrovy Čile Kamerun Čína Kolumbia Kostarika Kuba Kapverdy Curacao Cyprus Džibutsko Dánsko Dominika Dominikánska republika Alžírsko Ekvádor Estónsko Egypt Západná Sahara Európsky patentový úrad Eritrea Španielsko Etiópia Fínsko Fidži Falklandy Faerské ostrovy Gabon Spojené kráľovstvo Grenada Gruzínsko Guernsey Ghana Gibraltár Grónsko Gambia Guinea Rovníková Guinea Grécko Guatemala Guinea-Bissau Guyana Hongkong Honduras Chorvátsko Haiti Švajčiarsko Indonézia Írsko Izrael Man India Irak Island Taliansko Jersey Jamajka Jordánsko Japonsko Keňa Kirgizsko Kambodža Kiribati Komory Svätý Krištof a Nevis Kórejská ľudovodemokratická republika (KĽDR) Kórejská republika Kuvajt Kajmanie ostrovy Kazachstan Laos Libanon Svätá Lucia Lichtenštajnsko Srí Lanka Libéria Lesotho Litva Luxembursko Lotyšsko Líbya Maroko Monako Moldavsko Čierna Hora Madagaskar Macedónsko Mali Mjanmarsko Mongolsko Macao Severné Mariány Mauritánia Montserrat Malta Maurícius Maldivy Malawi Mexiko Malajzia Mozambik Namíbia Niger Nigéria Nikaragua Holandsko Nórsko Nepál Nauru Nový Zéland Omán Panama Peru Papua-Nová Guinea Filipíny Pakistan Poľsko Portugalsko Palau Paraguaj Katar Rumunsko Srbsko Ruská federácia Rwanda Saudská Arábia Šalamúnove ostrovy Seychely Sudán Švédsko Singapur Svätá Helena Slovinsko Sierra Leone San Maríno Senegal Somálsko Surinam Južný Sudán Svätý Tomáš a Princov ostrov Salvádor Svätý Martin Sýria Svazijsko Turks a Caicos Čad Togo Thajsko Tadžikistan Východný Timor Turkménsko Tunisko Tonga Turecko Trinidad a Tobago Tuvalu Taiwan Tanzánia Ukrajina Uganda Spojené štáty, USA Uruguaj Uzbekistan Vatikán Svätý Vincent a Grenadíny Venezuela Britské Panenské ostrovy Vietnam Vanuatu Samoa Jemen Južná Afrika Zambia Zimbabwe Osoba ta będzie jednocześnie wspólnikiem spółki Dodaj menedżera Wszystkie wymienione tutaj osoby mają dobry charakter i nigdy nie zostały prawomocnie skazane za umyślne przestępstwo. Jednocześnie osoby te nie są wpisane do rejestru organów jako zobowiązane do wykonania egzekucji na podstawie ustawy szczególnej. Żadna z wymienionych osób nie jest wpisana na listę dłużników podatkowych według ustawy szczególnej i nie posiada zarejestrowanych zaległości w opłacaniu składek na ubezpieczenie społeczne według ustawy szczególnej. * Tak Nie NABYWCY UDZIAŁÓW W SPÓŁCE, OSOBY FIZYCZNE I PRAWNE (PÓŁSZI PARTNERZY) Należy wprowadzić co najmniej jednego odbiorcę Imię i nazwisko * obywatelstwo * Slovenská republika Česká republika Nemecko Maďarsko Rakúsko Francúzsko Andorra Spojené arabské emiráty Afganistan Antigua a Barbuda Anguilla Albánsko Arménsko Angola Argentína Austrália Aruba Azerbajdžan Bosna a Hercegovina Barbados Bangladéš Belgicko Burkina Bulharsko Bahrajn Burundi Benin Bermudy Brunej Bolívia Bonaire, Svätý Eustach a Saba Brazília Bahamy Bhután Bouvetov ostrov Botswana Bielorusko Belize Kanada Kongo (býv. Zair) Stredoafrická republika Kongo Pobrežie Slonoviny Cookove ostrovy Čile Kamerun Čína Kolumbia Kostarika Kuba Kapverdy Curacao Cyprus Džibutsko Dánsko Dominika Dominikánska republika Alžírsko Ekvádor Estónsko Egypt Západná Sahara Európsky patentový úrad Eritrea Španielsko Etiópia Fínsko Fidži Falklandy Faerské ostrovy Gabon Spojené kráľovstvo Grenada Gruzínsko Guernsey Ghana Gibraltár Grónsko Gambia Guinea Rovníková Guinea Grécko Guatemala Guinea-Bissau Guyana Hongkong Honduras Chorvátsko Haiti Švajčiarsko Indonézia Írsko Izrael Man India Irak Island Taliansko Jersey Jamajka Jordánsko Japonsko Keňa Kirgizsko Kambodža Kiribati Komory Svätý Krištof a Nevis Kórejská ľudovodemokratická republika (KĽDR) Kórejská republika Kuvajt Kajmanie ostrovy Kazachstan Laos Libanon Svätá Lucia Lichtenštajnsko Srí Lanka Libéria Lesotho Litva Luxembursko Lotyšsko Líbya Maroko Monako Moldavsko Čierna Hora Madagaskar Macedónsko Mali Mjanmarsko Mongolsko Macao Severné Mariány Mauritánia Montserrat Malta Maurícius Maldivy Malawi Mexiko Malajzia Mozambik Namíbia Niger Nigéria Nikaragua Holandsko Nórsko Nepál Nauru Nový Zéland Omán Panama Peru Papua-Nová Guinea Filipíny Pakistan Poľsko Portugalsko Palau Paraguaj Katar Rumunsko Srbsko Ruská federácia Rwanda Saudská Arábia Šalamúnove ostrovy Seychely Sudán Švédsko Singapur Svätá Helena Slovinsko Sierra Leone San Maríno Senegal Somálsko Surinam Južný Sudán Svätý Tomáš a Princov ostrov Salvádor Svätý Martin Sýria Svazijsko Turks a Caicos Čad Togo Thajsko Tadžikistan Východný Timor Turkménsko Tunisko Tonga Turecko Trinidad a Tobago Tuvalu Taiwan Tanzánia Ukrajina Uganda Spojené štáty, USA Uruguaj Uzbekistan Vatikán Svätý Vincent a Grenadíny Venezuela Britské Panenské ostrovy Vietnam Vanuatu Samoa Jemen Južná Afrika Zambia Zimbabwe usuwać Nazwa firmy * Adres siedziby firmy * usuwać Dodaj osobę fizyczną Dodaj osobę prawną Wszystkie wymienione tutaj osoby mają dobry charakter i nigdy nie zostały prawomocnie skazane za umyślne przestępstwo. Jednocześnie osoby te nie są wpisane do rejestru organów jako zobowiązane do wykonania egzekucji na podstawie ustawy szczególnej. Żadna z wymienionych osób nie jest wpisana na listę dłużników podatkowych według ustawy szczególnej i nie posiada zarejestrowanych zaległości w opłacaniu składek na ubezpieczenie społeczne według ustawy szczególnej. * Tak Nie PRZEDMIOT DZIAŁALNOŚCI SPÓŁKI Wpisz tutaj listę tematów biznesowych, o które chcesz rozszerzyć dotychczasowy przedmiot działalności Administrative servicesManufacture of textilesFreight road transport performed by vehicles with a total mass up to 3.5 t, including a trailerRealisation of buildings and their changesComputer services and services associated with computer data processingResearch and development on natural science, engineering science, social science and humanitiesProvision of services in agriculture and horticultureBookkeepingServices associated with body beautificationAdvertising and marketing services, market research and public opinion pollingPerformance of extra curricular educational activitiesPurchase of goods for the purpose of their resale to end consumers (retail) or other trade operators (wholesale)LocksmitheryTool-makingMetal workingMetal galvanisationEnamellingWorking machines repairsDiagnostics and repair of road motor vehiclesCar body repairsManufacture and repair of prosthetic productsManufacture and repair of orthopaedic footwearWatchmakingStonemasonryButcheryMalting and brewingManufacture of dairy productsManufacture of bakery and confectionery productsJoineryGoldsmithing and jewelleryMasonryCarpentryRoofingTinplatingInsulationRooferWater plumbing and heatingInstallation and repair of refrigeration equipmentFloor coveringAssembly, reconstruction and maintenance of dedicated technical equipment – electricalAssembly, reconstruction and maintenance of dedicated technical equipment – gasAssembly, reconstruction and maintenance of dedicated technical equipment – pressureAssembly, reconstruction and maintenance of dedicated technical equipment – liftingStove fittingMen’s, ladies’ and children’s hairdresserCosmetics servicesCatering and production of ready meals intended for direct consumption outside the premises of an establishmentCleaning and inspection of chimneysManicureAlloying of precious metalsRepairs, specialised inspections and specialised tests of dedicated technical equipmentRepairs, specialised inspections and specialised tests of dedicated technical equipmentDevelopment and manufacture of weapons or ammunitionRepair, modification, destruction, deactivation or manufacture of weapon boresRepair and assembly of specified measuring instrumentsVerification of specified measuring instrumentsOfficial measurementOphthalmic opticsDental technologyProcurement of land planning supporting and regular documentationPreparation of nature and countryside protection documentationManagement of construction of structures for individual recreation, ground structures and building site facilities, provided that their built-up area does not exceed 300 m2 and a height of 15 m, small structures and their alterationsConstruction managementConstruction supervisionEnergy certificationEnergy auditingBlasting worksLandscape-architectural horticultural worksTechnical certification of construction productsSafety coordination activitiesOperation of driving schoolsDriving school instructorAssembly of gas equipmentArt teachingWork safety advice, instruction and educationWork safety instruction and educationExpert advisory services for jobseekers and persons interested in employment except for sports agentsProvision of recruitment services for consideration except for sports agentsMountain guiding, including leading and escorting persons on tourist paths and trailsFire protection trainingFire protection technicianFire protection specialistChimney testingGeodesy and cartographyPreparation of forest care programmesProfessional forest managerCollection, processing, storage, cultivation and placing into circulation of the reproductive material of forest tree speciesManufacture of tobacco productsLand consolidation designClassification of slaughtered carcassesSale of plant protection products or other productsApplication of plant protection products or other productsInseminationPlanning and designing of sites, facilities and works that are part of mining activities and activities performed by mining methodsDesigning of large-scale blasting worksManufacture and processing of explosives, including explosive articles, or the research, development or trial manufacture of explosives, explosive articles and ammunitionDestruction and disposal of explosives, explosive articles and ammunition during research, development, manufacture and processingPerformance of fireworksSale of pyrotechnic products of category F2, category F3, category T1 and category P1Operation of tour operatorsOperation of travel agenciesTourist guideMassage servicesAccommodation services in accommodation facilities with catering thereinRestoration, except for cultural monuments and collectors’ items constituting works of fine art [Section 3 para. 1 letter d), point 10]Water managementSafety adviserTraining and examination of applicants for certification of professional competence as a safety adviserAuthorised person activityMediation of the sale, rental and purchase of real estate (estate agent)Technical safety servicesSafety technicianAuthorised safety technicianOccupational health serviceOperation of public water mains of category I to III and operation of public sewer systems of category I to IIIRegistry administrationExpert advice on integrated pollution prevention and controlQualitative and quantitative ascertainment of environmental and working environmental factors in order to assess their possible effects on healthEvaluation of health risks from the environmentPerforming an examination to verify professional competenceBusiness relating to hazardous waste managementEnvironmental impact assessmentAuthorised measurements of emissions, general conditions of operation, or technical requirements for stationary sources of air pollutionAuthorised measurements of air quality parametersAuthorised calibration of automated measurement systems for emissions or air qualityAuthorised tests of automated measurement systems for emissions or air qualityAuthorised inspections of the conformity of automated measurement systems for emissions or air qualityRegular inspection of heating systems, regular inspection of air conditioning systemsOperation of graveyardsOperation of funeral servicesOperation of crematoriumsEmbalming and preservationExchange officesFreight forwardingOperation of works fire unitsOrganisation of voluntary auctionsPerformance of qualification courses for applicants to hold a certificate of professional competence as a small vessel operatorPreparation and updating of a population protection planPreparation and updating of a plan for the protection of employees and persons taken into careEducation in the field of civil protection o populationService and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment and heat pumps containing controlled substancesService, maintenance and inspection of fire protection systems and fire extinguishers containing controlled substancesChecks of leakage of controlled substances from equipmentOperation of facilities for the recycling of controlled substances or for the recovery of controlled substancesRecovery and collection of controlled substances, including filling of gas pressure vessels containing controlled substancesDisposal of controlled substances, including business in the field of waste management with controlled substancePlacing of controlled substances on the marketRepairs, specialised inspections and specialised tests of dedicated technical equipment – electricalRepairs, specialised inspections and specialised tests of dedicated technical equipment – gasRepairs, specialised inspections and specialised tests of dedicated technical equipment – pressureRepairs, specialised inspections and specialised tests of dedicated technical equipment – liftingProvision of an energy service with guaranteed energy savingsTraining to obtain professional competence in the manufacture and processing, use and destruction of explosives and explosive articlesTraining to obtain professional competence in the manufacture and processing, use and destruction of explosives, explosive articles and ammunitionTraining to obtain the professional competence of a seller of pyrotechnic productsTraining to obtain the professional competence of a firework blasterTraining to obtain the professional competence of a shot-firerTraining to obtain the professional competence of a blasting technical managerTraining to obtain the professional competence of a pyrotechnician of Class BTraining to obtain the professional competence of a pyrotechnician of Class CTraining to obtain the professional competence of a pyrotechnician of Class DTraining to obtain the professional competence of a pyrotechnician of Class ESearching for unfired ammunitionPublic health impact assessmentCollection of samples from the environment and the working environment for the purposes of qualitative and quantitative ascertainment of environmental and working environment factorsWork with disinfection preparations for professional use and work with preparations for regulation of pests for professional useActivity of an expert in the field of transport of dangerous goodsTraining of applicants for the certificate of special knowledgeSupervision over working conditionsRemoval of asbestos or material containing asbestos from buildings during demolition, maintenance works, repairs and other activitiesBreeding of selected species of animalsProvision of services related to animal careProvision of services in forestry and huntingProvision of services in fisheryTreatment of minerals, peat and mud mining and their treatmentManufacture of food productsManufacture of compound feeding-stuffsManufacture of beveragesManufacture of clothing apparelLeather processingManufacture of footwear and footwear components except for manufacture of orthopaedic footwearProcessing of wood raw material and manufacture of wood componentsManufacture of simple products from wood, cork, straw, wicker and their treatment, repair and maintenanceManufacture of cellulose, paper, paperboard and products thereofManufacture of coke and refined petroleum productsManufacture of industrial fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, pesticides and agrochemical productsManufacture of rubber products and plastic productsManufacture of glass and glass products and their treatmentManufacture of ceramicsManufacture of non-metallic mineral products and concrete, plaster and cement productsManufacture of abrasive products, asphalt and asphalt productsManufacture and metallurgical processing of metalsManufacture and processing of simple metal productsManufacture of computer, electronic and optical productsManufacture of electrical equipment and electrical componentsDevelopment, manufacture of security systems or alarm systems and devices enabling monitoring of movement and action of persons within protected premises, protected places or in their vicinityManufacture of machines and machinery for general purposesManufacture of motor vehicles, engines, means of transport, parts and accessories for motor vehicles and other means of transportManufacture of jewellery and souvenirsManufacture of musical instrumentsManufacture of toys and gamesManufacture of brooms, brushes and painting toolsManufacture of candles and shading equipmentDiagnostics of sewerage pipes and cleaning of sewerage systemsBusiness relating to other than hazardous waste managementDrilling of wells up to 30 m longPreparatory works for building constructionFinishing works in the realisation of exteriors and interiorsMaintenance of motor vehicles without interfering with the motor part of the vehicleIntermediary activities in trade, service and productionWarehousing and auxiliary activities in transportPublishing, printing and bookbinding activitiesInformation activitiesActivities in the field of fire protection within the scope of service, repair, inspection, filling of fire extinguishers, fire protection/performance equipmentOperation of sports facilities and facilities for regeneration and reconditioningProvision of services of a personal natureRepair of personal and household goodsOrganisation of sports, cultural and other social eventsServices related to motion picture, video and audio productionPurchase, sale or transport of weapons and ammunitionProvision of transport services by non-motorised vehiclesMoving servicesOperation of small vesselsRental, hire and storage of weapons and ammunitionOperation of storage facilitiesCourier servicesAccommodation services with the preparation and sale of food, beverages and semi-finished products to guests staying in accommodation facilities with a capacity of up to 10 bedsAccommodation services without the provision of cateringProvision of fast food services with sale for direct consumptionOperation of food outletsProvision of servicing during cultural and other social eventsFinance leaseProvision of credits and loans from cash resources obtained exclusively without an open call and without a public offering of economic assetsPawn shopsMediation of credits and loans from cash resources obtained exclusively without an open call and without a public offering of economic assetsFactoring and forfaitingProvision of guarantees to secure the customs debtRental of real estate associated with the provision of other than core services related to rentingManagement and maintenance of housing and non-housing stock in the scope of free tradesManagement of marketplaces, market halls, occasional marketsActivities of business, organisation and economic advisorsEngineering activities, construction pricing, design and construction of electrical equipmentAuthorised verification of reports on greenhouse gas emissions from operationInformative testing, measurement, analyses and checksSponsoring of clinical trials of medicinal productsDesign activitiesPhotographic servicesSpecialist in the prevention of serious industrial accidentsRisk assessment, preparation and updating of the safety report and emergency plan, consulting and advisory activities in specified areas in the field of prevention of major industrial accidentsServices of rental shopsRental of movable itemsCleaning servicesPublic procurementOperation of nurseriesImplementation of educational programs in the field of social services focused on the performance of selected work activities and further educationTraining in the field of environmental management and auditingTraining in the field of preventing major industrial accidentsOperation of water rescue servicesProvision of social servicesOperation of cultural, social and entertainment facilitiesManagement of registry records without permanent documentary valueOperation of dry cleaners and laundriesMountain guide activitiesTesting, revision, repair, delaboration, disposal of explosives, explosive articles and ammunitionWarehousing of explosives, and explosive articlesWarehousing of explosives, explosive articles and ammunitionInstallation, service, maintenance, repair or decommissioning of equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gasesChecks of leakage of fluorinated greenhouse gases from equipmentRecovery of fluorinated greenhouse gasesDisposal of fluorinated greenhouse gases, including business in the field of waste management with fluorinated greenhouse gasesPlacing of fluorinated greenhouse gases on the marketPedicurePreparation of documentation and projects of simple constructions, small constructions and changes thereof: construction partPreparation of documentation and projects of simple constructions, small constructions and changes thereof: electrical engineering partPreparation of documentation and projects of simple constructions, small constructions and changes thereof: machine-technological partTeaching of foreign languages: EnglishTeaching of foreign languages: ArabicTeaching of foreign languages: BelarusianTeaching of foreign languages: BulgarianTeaching of foreign languages: BosnianTeaching of foreign languages: CzechTeaching of foreign languages: ChineseTeaching of foreign languages: DanishTeaching of foreign languages: EstonianTeaching of foreign languages: FinnishTeaching of foreign languages: FrenchTeaching of foreign languages: GreekTeaching of foreign languages: HebrewTeaching of foreign languages: HindiTeaching of foreign languages: DutchTeaching of foreign languages: CroatianTeaching of foreign languages: IcelandicTeaching of foreign languages: KoreanTeaching of foreign languages: LatinTeaching of foreign languages: LatvianTeaching of foreign languages: LuxembourgishTeaching of foreign languages: HungarianTeaching of foreign languages: MoldavianTeaching of foreign languages: GermanTeaching of foreign languages: NorwegianTeaching of foreign languages: PolishTeaching of foreign languages: PortugueseTeaching of foreign languages: RomanianTeaching of foreign languages: RussianTeaching of foreign languages: SpanishTeaching of foreign languages: SerbianTeaching of foreign languages: SwedishTeaching of foreign languages: SlovenianTeaching of foreign languages: ItalianTeaching of foreign languages: UkrainianTeaching of foreign languages: VietnameseTeaching of foreign languages: TurkishTranslation and interpretation services: EnglishTranslation and interpretation services: ArabicTranslation and interpretation services: BelarusianTranslation and interpretation services: BulgarianTranslation and interpretation services: BosnianTranslation and interpretation services: CzechTranslation and interpretation services: ChineseTranslation and interpretation services: DanishTranslation and interpretation services: EstonianTranslation and interpretation services: FinnishTranslation and interpretation services: FrenchTranslation and interpretation services: GreekTranslation and interpretation services: HebrewTranslation and interpretation services: HindiTranslation and interpretation services: DutchTranslation and interpretation services: CroatianTranslation and interpretation services: IcelandicTranslation and interpretation services: KoreanTranslation and interpretation services: LatinTranslation and interpretation services: LatvianTranslation and interpretation services: LuxembourgishTranslation and interpretation services: HungarianTranslation and interpretation services: MoldavianTranslation and interpretation services: GermanTranslation and interpretation services: NorwegianTranslation and interpretation services: PolishTranslation and interpretation services: PortugueseTranslation and interpretation services: RomanianTranslation and interpretation services: RussianTranslation and interpretation services: SpanishTranslation and interpretation services: SerbianTranslation and interpretation services: SwedishTranslation and interpretation services: SlovenianTranslation and interpretation services: ItalianTranslation and interpretation services: UkrainianTranslation and interpretation services: VietnameseTranslation and interpretation services: TurkishProvision of virtual currency exchange servicesProvision of virtual currency exchange servicesRegular inspection of playground for children INNE INFORMACJE Dlaczego klient musi kupić gotową spółkę będącą płatnikiem VAT? * Zakres terytorialny planowanej działalności * Powód zabezpieczenia nabycia spółki w imieniu innej osoby (wypełnij tylko w przypadku, gdy zabezpieczasz zakup gotowej spółki w imieniu innej osoby) Obecnie spółka posiada firmowe konto bankowe w banku ČSOB. Czy chcesz zachować to konto otwarte? * Tak Nie OŚWIADCZENIE Wpisz imię i nazwisko osoby wypełniającej * Kontakt telefoniczny osoby wypełniającej * Kontakt e-mailowy Fillera * Niniejszym honorowo oświadczam, że podałem dokładne, prawdziwe i kompletne dane. Mam świadomość, że jeśli podane przeze mnie informacje były nieprawdziwe lub zostały w poważny sposób zatajone, zwrócę się do wszystkich w twarz wynikające z tego skutki prawne. Ponadto szczerze oświadczam, że moim zamiarem jest zakup gotowego produktu firmy lub w celu ułatwienia jej sprzedaży komuś innemu jest uczciwa i mam zamiar robić interesy uczciwie i zgodnie z prawem Republiki Słowackiej. * Jestem zainteresowany zarejestrowaniem zmiany danych końcowego odbiorcy świadczeń firmy w rejestrze handlowym za opłatą 100 EUR. Rejestracja zmiany ostatecznych odbiorców świadczeń jest konieczna i obowiązkowa po zarejestrowaniu zmiany wspólników w przejmowanej spółce. Jestem zainteresowany dodatkowym szybkim wpisem do rejestru przedsiębiorców w ciągu 2 dni roboczych (za dopłatą) Oszczędzaj cenny czas na rozpoczęcie działalności GDPR Przetwarzamy dane osobowe, które nam przekazujesz podczas rezerwacji lub zakupu słowackiej gotowej spółki, zgodnie z aktualnie obowiązującymi przepisami. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych znajdziesz tutaj